Hi friends! Today we will talk of an essential topic of how technology over exposure is definitely not too good for children. As we are moving on in jet age, the world has truly become a small place to live in. We have been bombarded with latest smart phones, ipads, laptops and computers. There is a new trend coming in where most of the parents, expose their tiny little babies to the small screen from a very tender age. Please stop getting addicted to passive parenting. I agree that with the wave of technology, the household tends to be more tech savvy, but not your children.
- Babies, toddlers need to spend more time with the nature and its natural surroundings, then get glued to digital media like smartphones, ipads and laptops.
- We often find young tiny fingers are capable enough at this tender age to move from one screen to next and satisfy his needs.
- The habit of getting glued to screens, not only will complicate the eye sight problems, but also creates a negative impact on brain circuitury. Brain starts depending on technology for every question.
- Parents, we need to push up our sleeves and be more responsible in avoiding such a mishap.
- Stop giving a free hand to your children with technology. Research studies reveal that on an average today's children are exposed to 6 hours per day on the small screen.
- I agree, children tend to be more restricted and controlled when they watch laptops, ipads but thats what we dont want. Recollect how your own parents used to bring you up as a child.
- Nowadays, crayons and paint brush have given way to doodle colouring games. Playground games are replaced by video games.
- I dont know where we are heading to? Stop being a part of this maddening technology race and become more real.
- Love your children and please love their health too. So dont get into all this technology shift for your children.
Enjoy parenting and have a great time!!!!