Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Super energy foods that all kids need

Hi friends! Hope you are having a gala time learning every other day and growing while nurturing your child. Let’s find out top super energy foods that your child need that have important essential nutrients.

·        Calcium- Calcium is vital for developing bone mass, nearly all of which is built during childhood and adolescence. Being deficient can interfere with growth and increase the risk of osteoporosis later in life. It's crucial to get your child into the habit of eating calcium-rich foods. Milk, soymilk, cheese, yogurt, cereals, waffles and juices are highly rich in calcium. You must include these super foods in your child’s dietary plan.

·        Vitamin E- Vitamin E is an important nutrient that acts as an antioxidant, protecting body cells from damage. Cereals, peanut butter, avocado, nuts, sunflower seeds, tomato sauce, wheat germ, spinach and tomatoes are highly rich in Vitamin E

·        Fiber- Fiber is essential for all kids. Eating a fiber-rich diet may help protect them from a variety of chronic diseases later in life. Fruits like apples, pears, oranges, blackberries, raspberries are some of the top fruits high in fiber. Beans, lentils, chickpeas, whole grain bread, pasta, oatmeal, popcorn, nuts, green peas, nuts, ground flaxseed all are high in fiber. Introduce small portion of fiber in your kid’s diet. It enhances passing stools and gives instant energy.

·        Potassium- Potassium is a key player in maintaining healthy fluid balance and blood pressure and helping muscles to contract. Sweet potato, pistachios, bananas, oranges, orange juice, yogurt, milk, cantaloupe, apricots, fish, honeydew are some of the best source of potassium.

·        Iron-Low iron is especially common among overweight children, who may have a high-calorie but nutrient-poor diet. Iron helps red blood cells carry oxygen to cells throughout the body and plays a role in brain development and a chronic deficit can cause learning and behavior problems. Shrimp, beef, chicken, beans, lentils, chickpeas, soy nuts, raisins, whole wheat bread, are rich in iron.

Try to avoid processed foods and give home-made foods that will fill up your kid’s tummy and will be really healthy. Enjoy parenting and have a great time!!!

New video- Moulding Doh- ABCs & Numbers

Hi friends!!!! Watch the new video. Its absolutely fun and full of exciting activity. It helps your child to create and learn ABCs, numbers and different shapes. Hope you all enjoy it.

Enjoy parenting and have a great time!!!!

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

How to enhance mother and child relationship

Hi friends! Today let’s highlight upon the ways to enhance mother and child relationship. As a mother of 3 year old daughter, I, myself, face a lot of hurdles in nurturing a fruitful relationship between her and me. But, trust me; the more you try to work upon the relation, the better it is. So how do we go about it?

·        Mother and child bonding are blessed from the Almighty. So give time to the relation. I know, in this competitive world, it’s really tough to manage everything. But take time off and spend time with your little ones.
·        It sometimes helps to be silly and funny with your child. Play games with them. They love to spend quality time with you.
·        You can always ask your child to tag along with you to get the groceries, or do some shopping. Take help from him/her to unload the shopped items.
·        Schedule a picnic or a holiday for the entire family.
·        Spend time reading stories, comics with your child. Kids love to dream and if you become the storyteller, then they couldn’t have asked for more…
·        Tell your child you love him every day -- no matter his age. Even on trying days or after a parent-child disagreement, when you don't exactly "like your child" at that moment, it is more important than ever to express your love. A simple "I love you" goes a long way toward developing and then strengthening a relationship.
·        Respect your child’s choices. Nowadays all children want to turn independent at a very young age. Try not to poke your nose on small little things. Give them space and little bit of freedom.
·        Make your children a priority in your life- Kids yearn for attention. The more they are assured about your love and care, the less stressed they are.
·        Try to develop friendship with your children and don’t boss over them all the time.

I hope I was able to help you in some way. Enjoy parenting and have a great time!!!

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

How to promote positivity in children?

Hello friends! Hope you are all doing fine. Today we will shed light on an essential topic, how to develop positivity in children. Be good and stay good is all that everyone needs. As a parent, its our moral duty to bring in positive attitude amongst our young guns of the world.

Let’s pen down a few things that will help us in establishing happiness and right positive attitude in children.
·        Children ape you all the time- Always remember that as parents, you are the role models for your children. They watch you to get clues on how to behave in the world. As we all know actions speak louder than words. Stay calm, cool and focused and instill the right behavior.
·        Show your little one how you feel- Don’t simply scream, shout or yell on your child. Express how you felt on his particular behavior. E.g. You may say, I am feeling sad and upset because there is so much noise and I am not able to talk on the phone.
·        Always praise your child for being good- If you really like the way your child behaved, simple words of appreciation will work wonders for your relationship with her. It will strengthen the bond and love between you and her. Try to say six positive comments (praise and encouragement) for every negative comment (criticisms and reprimands). The 6-1 ratio keeps things in balance. Remember that if children have a choice only between no attention or negative attention, they will seek out negative attention.
·        Keep listening to your children- Always listen to your child. Children often tend to turn emotional or frustrated sooner than later. If you just try to listen to their problems, it helps them to get relief from their tensions and stress.
·        Always keep promises- If you promised your child that you will go for a walk or probably play at the garden, after he completes his homework, please stay committed to what you promised.
·        It is surprising how much your child is listening even though he might not have the social maturity to tell you. Nagging and criticising is boring for you and doesn’t work. Your child will just end up tuning you out and wonder why you get more upset.
·        Kids don’t want to be annoying. By giving in when they’re whining for something, we train them to do it more – even if we don’t mean to. ‘No’ means ‘no’, not maybe, so don’t say it unless you mean it. If you say ‘no’ and then give in, children will be whining even more the next time, hoping to get lucky again.
Enjoy parenting and have a great time!!!

Friday, 20 March 2015

Watch new kid's video- On U Mind

Hi friends!!!! Watch the new video On U Mind that will help your kids create and make innovative blocks....

Thursday, 19 March 2015

Why do kids fall ill frequently?

Hello friends! Today we will shed light on an important topic, why do kids fall ill regularly? As a parent, it turns out to be very annoying, frustrating and tiring to see our little ones fall sick. I know, you try your best to protect them and keep them safe but yet they succumb to illness. Reports suggest that kids under 5 years of age get easily infected with viral infections. Stay calm and be patient, your child will grow and develop his own immune system.

Let’s look at things that will help to boost your child’s immunity.
·        To prevent infections being transmitted in this way, it’s important that the children and the child care professionals looking after them teach them healthy habits. Encourage them to wash their hands regularly. 
·        Try to avoid allowing your children play with his friends who are ill. Infact emphasize in schools, daycare to avoid kids who are sick or suffering from contagious diseases. As a parent you can simply try, but there are circumstances when you seem helpless.
·        Try not sending your child to daycare or schools, when he is down with illness.
·        Infections even spread through faecal oral transmission. Keep educating and setting up stringent rules of bathroom etiquettes and cleanliness at home.
·        Give plenty of fluids, fruits when your child is ill.
·        Giving medicines to your child can really drive you crazy. Often mention about your child’s favourite place or things that he or she enjoys while giving medicine.
·        Its really tough to manage kids of age between 1 to 5 but sooner than later, they will become big, tall and packed with immunity with time.

Enjoy parenting and have a great time!!!!

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

How to resolve kids' boredom?

Hello friends, today we will talk of an important topic on Kids’ boredom. We often find that children tend to get bored if they are caught up doing same mundane activities everyday. It happens more when school vacation is on.

How do we resolve kids’ boredom
·        Don’t get too stressed about kids’ boredom. Know that your kids will get bored. It’s part of growing up. As their brains go through changes, children go through periods when they are able to easily find things to do and times when they aren’t.
·        Avoid immediately fixing your child’s boredom. The child himself or herself will find a way to do a worthwhile act.
·        You can definitely offer your helping hand in the process.
·        Introduce new concepts and ideas. You can give a freehand to your child by lending  kitchen’s plastic containers, spatulas and other interesting stuff.
·        You can create activities with your child like making paper flowers, handicrafts or teach simple gardening.
·        Try to utilize children’s  free time by engaging them in interactive summercamps, hobby classes, or drawing sessions.
·        Creative mind will never get bored. So go and explore with your child.
·        You can even arrange a casual lunch or dinner for your kid’s friends. I know it will take plenty of time, but remember that your kid will cherish these moments for a lifetime.
·        Nowadays toy library concept is really picking up. Enroll your child into a toy library. You can introduce new interesting books as well.
·        Daily chores of grocery shopping can turn interesting, if you ask your child to help you. You can teach the concept of supermarket and its important dos and don’t’s.
·        What really gets your toddler or teenager excited? Sports? Music? Art? Mechanics? Fashion design? Encourage their passions.

Enjoy parenting and have a great gala time!!!

Monday, 16 March 2015

Toddlers and Repetition of words

Hello friends! Lets gear up today, to talk of an interesting topic on Toddlers and repetition of words. It definitely will remind you of your naughty tot trying to keep repetition an incident, event or simply a funny statement to ain your attention!!! Isn’t it?

Remember toddlers are learning, exploring new things everyday. So, if any event takes place that’s either sad, or funny she will try to repeat the whole thing again and again. Say, for example, you went to the supermarket earlier that day, purchased a ball for him, she dropped it in the parking lot, and lost it. In order to make sense of and process what happened, she might repeat that scenario several times aloud, saying something like “I’m sad. I lost my lovely yellow ball  in the parking lot today.” As a parent, it’s important to remember that our children are works in progress and this is just one way they process things. Help him through it, not just by giving a yes or no answer, but by saying something like “It‘s ok to be sad. You were bouncing your ball, and it rolled away too fast for you to catch it. You have some other toys that we can play with right now.” Helping him work it out will help shorten the life of the story being repeated.

Sometimes kids love repeating themselves as they gained your attention. Try to reason things out  with your child and explain that when she said the story it was funny but repeating it again and again is tiresome. Or simply divert her attention.

Kids always try to imitate you. Sometimes they will try to speak and punish you if you did a mistake unknowinly. Be a sport and allow your child to boss over you. Its fun!!!

Evolve and learn with your toddler. Enjoy parenting and have a great time!!!!

Thursday, 12 March 2015

How to improve Kids’ brainpower

Hello friends! Today we are going to talk on an interesting topic on how to improve Kid’s attention span and concentration. We are all are tied in a super- competitive world, and as a parent its our moral duty to help our kids deliver better at school academics, sports or any other activities. Be it study, games or daily tasks, everything requires certain amount of concentration and skill. Lets try to pen down few steps that will help our little angels and superman to perform at optimum level.
·        Food is very important fuel for the body. But what we find often is that kids get more inclined towards junk or processed foods. Opt for whole grains like brown cereals, wheat bran, wheat bread for the entire family. Eat fish, iron rich foods, broccoli, walnuts, blueberries, almonds are some of the super foods that help in ideal brain development and increases concentration.
·        Always try to be creative. Kids normally get bored very fast. They need entertainment round the clock. Daily school activities can be done without much fuss and emotions. Try to create situations, stories and build an activity around the homework always.
·        If you set a pattern everyday, kids tends to relate easily. Try to emphasize on writing practice and reading sessions that’s vital for growth of your child.
·        You can also introduce concept of surprise toys or gifts, if your kid improves immensely in his concentration and skills. Kids love to get pampered. Infact all love to get pampered, don’t we? So, little bit of encouragement and appreciation will take you and your kid a long way.
·        Maintain healthy environment at home, away from tensions and stress.
·        Enhance physical outdoor activities for your kids. It will build reflexes as well as physical strength in them.
·        Video games, TV and computer aren’t an ideal way of wailing away the time.
·        Indoor games like chess, scrabbles, and puzzles, blocks expose your child’s brain and improves his problem solving skills.
·        See everyone cannot become Einstein. Nor should you expect or compare your kid with others. Every child is god gifted. Don’t put unnecessary stress on children. Give enough space and freedom to them.
·        Set attainable goals with your children. Sooner than later, children learn to bloom in sunshine and create a mark for themselves.

Enjoy parenting and have a great time!!!!

Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Toddler manners and etiquettes

Hello friends! Hope you all are doing well. Today, we will talk of an interesting and important topic on Toddler manners and etiquettes. In today’s jet world, we often see that we are running short of time and even manners. It’s important as a parent of Genx, we, try to inculcate basic cordial behavior and etiquettes in our kids. Starting early is always better than late. As we all know, small preschool kids have razor sharp memory and can grasp as close to 18 languages in their early stage.
·        Introduce the concept of respecting others.
·        Teach two important cousins “Please and Thank you”.  Don’t just preach but you as a parent, should set an example in front of your kids.
·        Always promote good manners and hygiene.
·        Strictly teach kids not to use violent methods to get their way.
·        Be polite and calm with your kids. They try to imitate you as far as possible.
·        Always teach them basic greeting methods. Good morning, Hello, How are you, Hope all is fine and so on and so forth.
·        Encourage good table manners at home. Eating in the right manner, maintaining cleanliness.
·        Rome was not build in a day. But the foundation that was made earlier stood by Rome for centuries. Similarly, the foundation or the base that we set as parents for our kids, lives with them for lifelong.

Enjoy parenting and have a great time!

New video- Find the sequence

Hey friends!!! Watch the new video- Find the sequence that will enable you to teach the concept of sequences of everyday life, in a fun and entertaining manner.

Enjoy parenting and have a great time!!!!

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

School tots and its worries

Hello friends! Today we will talk of an interesting topic on School going tots and its worries. It’s often an anxious time for you as parents as well as your lovely children to take the biggest leap of going to school. Getting adjusted to a small playgroup class is less difficult than going to a big school. So let’s list down the things that will help us to resolve fear and anxiousness like never before.
·        Its always important to calm yourself down. Don’t worry too much, kids will adjust themselves naturally.
·        Always encourage and talk about the big school that your child will start going on. Positive talks and information will help your child build his imagination and feel excited.
·        As a parent, its your duty to get all the school going stuff in place before hand. Uniform, bag, water bottle, shoes, socks, books and everything that is important. Remember shopping for these things will create a  very positive impact on your child.
·        Talk to your child’s teachers and understand the set up and try to shed your worries and fears as well.
·        Every kid goes to school. So stay calm.
·        Always try to talk and understand about your child’s likes and dislikes in food. As school timings are tedious, you must ensure that you send foods that are healthy and to his likings.
·        Explore creativity and feed your child.
·        Don’t underestimate your child’s fears, try to talk and resolve them.

Enjoy parenting and have a great time!!!

Friday, 6 March 2015

Toddler behaviour

Hello friends! Lets head start our day with a new topic on Toddler behavior. We all know that it’s really tough to keep meeting new challenges as parents of young, vibrant and overenthusiastic toddlers. Let’s try to pen down some of the few points that will help us get going and creating a blissful affair with our children.
Toddlers right from age 1 to 3 are exploring their world every day. In order to keep pace with the environment, they might tend to show tantrums to get their way. Its sometimes embarrassing to deal with their emotional outburst, especially when you are out with your child.

Here are a few healthy tips that can work around with your child.

·        Be calm and patient. Don’t get over stressed. It will frustrate your child further.
·        Try to understand the problem. Usually kids try to throw tantrums when they are especially tired, hungry or irritated. Try to sweet talk with your child and make her realize as to why she is worried or fussy over something.

·        There will be times when the kid is acting funny to get his way done, either to get hold of chocolates, candies or ice creams. Giving in to all his or her needs will give a wrong signal to your child. Go steady and if you feel by giving one chocolate to your child will calm down, then it’s worth budging in. But if it’s an unwarranted demand, try to divert his attention.
·        Always carry some surprise items/toys along when you are travelling. A cartoon pencil, picture books or soft toys that is not expensive but new. The surprise factor will always work for you. The child will hold back his emotions and behave.
·        Always set in dos and don’t’s with his her behavior.
·        Always be friendly and loving with your child. They only need your special care and attention.

Enjoy Parenting and have a great time!!!

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Myths about Brushing Baby’s Teeth

Hello friends! Today we are going to talk of an interesting topic on Myths about Baby’s Teeth. There are a lot of misconceptions and myths about baby’s milky teeths. Let’s try to resolve them and relook at oral hygiene in babies with a more delicate approach. Establishing good oral hygiene at an early age can help enforce proper dental care for the future.
·        Many parents mistakenly believe that baby teeth are less important than permanent teeth because they are just going to “fall out anyway”. But baby teeth serve a very important purpose as place-holders in growing mouths during early years of development.
·        Cavities in baby tooth does not matter. Cavities can cause pain or discomfort for children and even abscess if left untreated.  Further, cavities harbor bacteria that can spread through the bloodstream and effect your child’s overall health.
·        There is no need to brush baby teeth- You as a parent need to take careof your lovely baby’s sparkling teeth. Lesson taught today will stay with your child forever.

Here are few important steps that will help you totake care of your baby’s teeths.

·        Start an oral hygiene routine even before eruptions of teeth begin. Clean gums with a soft wet gauze pad that has been wrapped around your finger. Gently wipe the gums with the gauze to help remove bacteria and clean the gums.
·        If molars have appeared it is definitely time to swap the gauze for a toothbrush. Look for a very soft bristle brush with 3 or less rows of bristles. You can also use mothercare finger toothbrush that you can gently insert in your finger and brush your baby teeth only with warm water. No need of using a toothpaste.
·        Doing brushing daily will incorporate a routine with your child.
·        Once baby is 2 years old, you can use a proper soft toothbrush. Always look out for cartoon toothbrushes that are colorful and makes the entire brushing routine a fun loving routine. You can add a pea size kid’s toothpaste now.
·        Baby might not know to spit the water out. So encourage baby to drink water after brushing. Slowly he will learn the art of spitting water in due course of time.
·        Educate your child about teeth monsters and the various bad effects if the teeth are not kept clean.
·        You can goggle various fancy online baby products and get the oral hygiene head started sooner than later. Mothercare, MeeMee, Morisons baby dreams, Pigeon, Biotene, Baby Orajel, Chicco, Grins and Giggles and many other brands offering top products.

Enjoy parenting and have a great time!!!!

Monday, 2 March 2015

Choking hazard for babies

Hello friends! Today we will talk on important topic on choking hazards for children. Children often tend to explore their world by putting things in their mouth. You need to be very careful and vigilant round the clock till they become 4 years of age. Cross check all the things that are available in baby’s vicinity. It's also because they're still learning how to chew and swallow food. Babies as young as 6 or 7 months have a danger of choking.  Remember, unchewed bits of food can block the airway or be inhaled into the lungs. Always baby proof the room. You can’t be vigilant 24 by 7. So you need to preplan safety beforehand.

·        Pay attention: Supervise young children whenever they're eating or drinking. (Kids typically can't make any noise to alert you that they're choking.) That means not letting your child eat in the car while you're driving.
·        Keep them seated: Make sure your child sits while eating. Don't let kids eat while lying down, walking, climbing, or running.
·        Mash or grind food so it's soft enough for your baby to gum or chew. At the finger-food stage, cut fruit, veggies, meat, and cheese into pea-size pieces.
·        Choose snacks wisely: Give safe small pieces snacks. Don't give babies popcorn, nuts, seeds, whole grapes, hard candy, gummy candy, gum balls, or marshmallows until they're at least 3.
·        Beware of teething medication: Don't feed your child soon after using a rub-on teething medication because it can numb the throat and interfere with swallowing.
·        Avoid small objects: Don't let young children play with buttons, coins, safety pins, balloons, small rocks, or anything with parts smaller than 1¼ inches around or 2¼ inches long. You can buy a "small objects choke tester" online to help you evaluate the safety of an object. If it fits entirely into the plastic cylinder, it's a choking hazard.
·        Move the mobile: Make sure your child can't reach a hanging mobile.

·        Keep baby powder away: Don't allow kids to play with baby powder containers. The powder can shake free and clog your child's throat.

·        It’s always to be safe than feel sorry.

Enjoy parenting and have a great time!!!!